ZKTEK provides all kinds of custom OEM/ODM ATM machine,interactive kiosk,information kiosk, touchscreen kiosk, touchscreen monitor, touchscreen computer, box ipc,digital sginages, pos and metal keyboard products

Industry Products:

Automated ticketing kiosk
Automated ticketing kiosk :

ZKTEK is the system solution provider for the touchscreen automated ticketing kiosk solutions.

Configurations features:

  • fan/fanless Box IPC small-form-factor industrial computer
  • Anti-glare projective capacitive/SAW/Infrared/4-5 wires resistive touchscreen monitor(PnP, no need for system drivers WINDOWS 7 system or newer)
  • Kiosk I/O board with 12 input and 12 output channel
  • Integrated power supply unit with IEC13/14 D-sub/industrial connectors

Electronic features:

  • CE compliant 
  • All naked conjunction parts are covered with shield
  • All parts are labeled and categorised for clear vision identification in maintenance
  • All cables are trimmed and tubed with care for safe purse and CE/FCC compliance.
  • All naked IC parts are covered with shields.

Mechanic features:

  • Airspring support system for maintenance
  • 3mm safe for the bill validator and note dispenser/7mm safe for ATM note dispenser
  • Floor caster with lockable or screw-to-lift support pad
  • Cross-bar locks for all doors
  • Adequate 2x5W audio and 12025 dual ventilation system

The most solutions are based on ZKTEK standard procedure and has a lot of options as below:

  • Leadtime: 35 days to shipment
  • Package: Foam, carton, plywood case
  • OEM/ODM is also welcome.

More options available upon request.

You can find more information of the general solution information for touchscreen kiosk,information kiosk,interactive kiosk,touch kiosk,digital kiosk here.

  • Ticket vending kiosks

    Ticket vending kiosks are used to sell the tickets for public warefare. Ticket vending kiosks provide the convenience to sell the tickets without waiting in the long queue of shopping center, bus station, metro, train station, movie theatre, theme park, children's palace and a lot of other ticket selling places.

    ZKTEK ticket vending kiosks have the most reliable and long time proven components to print all kinds of tickets from roll paper, fanfold, 70-220gsm, dotted, black mark, thermal paper, thermal transfer printing paper and normal printable RFID cards etc.

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  • Ticket dispensing kiosks

    Ticket dispensing kiosk is the simplified solution for the ticket vending machines/kiosks. Ticket dispensing kiosk are widely used in the cinema and other high footage applications to provide a reliable and fast-to-go option for the public who has bought the ticket online or group-ticket.

    ZKTEK ticket dispensing kiosk is easy to use, very reliable and almost suitable for all kinds of deployment to provide the tickets instantly without waiting in the frustrating long queue in the rush hours.

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